Ключевые слова:
логистические подходы, торговая деятельность, оптимизацияАннотация
В статье рассмотрены теоретические аспекты использования логистических подходов в торговой деятельности организации, сделан акцент на оптимизационные мероприятий при организации торговой деятельности. Рассмотрены возможные этапы внедрения логистического обслуживания торговой деятельности.
Библиографические ссылки
Ismagilova E.R. Foreign experience in the processing of solid household waste // Science-intensive technologies and intelligent systems in the XXI century. Collection of articles of the International Scientific and Practical Conference: in 2 parts. 2017.S. 130-133.
Ismagilova E.R. Waste recycling in the Republic of Tatarstan: problems and prospects // Modern financial, economic and social instruments for economic development. Collection of articles of the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017.S. 113-117.
Kirillova L.G., Ismagilova E.R. Innovative approaches in logistics // Russian science in the modern world. Collection of articles of the XIII international scientific and practical conference. 2017.S. 97-98.
Lebedev E.A. Mirotin L.B., Pokrovsky A.K. Innovative processes in logistics. Moscow; Vologda: Infra-Engineering, 2019.392 p.
Rabazanova A.A., Taisheva G.R., Saidasheva V.A., Ismagilova E.R. Implementation of the efficiency management system "logistics of the future" // Sustainable development of territories: theory and practice. Materials of the X All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation. In 2 volumes. 2019.S. 123-125.
Rodnikov A.N. Trade logistics. Moscow: Economics, 2018.249 p.
Saidasheva V.A., Taisheva G.R., Rabazanova A.A., Ismagilova E.R. On the issue of digitalization trends in the modern economy // Vector of development of management approaches in the digital economy. Materials of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Kazan Innovative University named after V.G. Timiryasova. Kazan, 2020.S. 196-198.
Taisheva G.R. Food strategy in the regional socio-economic system // Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economics / Academy of Management "TISBI". Kazan, 2010
Taisheva G.R., Valeeva Yu.S. Strategic orientation of enterprise competitiveness management // Bulletin of Kazan State Agrarian University. 2007. T. 2. No. 2 (6). S. 23-28.
Taisheva G.R., Davydova I.Sh. Theoretical and methodological approaches to assessing the survival potential of an enterprise // Transport business Russia. 2011. No. 10. S. 142-144.
Taisheva G.R., Ismagilova E.R., Chagaev D.A. Improving retail chains of the store-warehouse type // American Scientific Journal. 2019. No. 26-1 (26). S. 75-77.
Taisheva G.R., Starikova E.V. The role of the "supplier relationship management" concept in modern economic conditions // Reshetnevskie readings. 2017.Vol. 2.P. 534-536.

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