Ключевые слова:
new technology, pedagogical technology, innovative technology, didactic technology, training, education, development, components, technology features, conditions for the application of technologyАннотация
Pedagogical technology envisages the widespread use of creative processes, the development of students' creative activity, and the implementation of planned educational standards through the acquisition of established experience.
The principles of expediency, integration, differentiation, optimization, safety, effective results should be followed when selecting pedagogical technologies and including them in the process of chemical education. The theoretical foundations of modern chemistry methodology are educational technologies, integrative approach, leading ideas, humanization, innovation, new technology and the principles of their implementation. An integrative approach, individual achievement and a methodological approach based on different components are understood. The basis of pedagogical technology is a didactic process with three interrelated components: students' motivation, cognitive activity and the management of this activity. Depending on the initial pedagogical considerations that form the basis of each component of the didactic process, different technologies are obtained, which have a large number of processes. Each student learns and develops in personality-oriented technology. There is an unusual atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom, there is constant communication in pairs and groups, children do not get tired, there is a constant change of activity, systematic assessment and self-assessment is carried out.
Библиографические ссылки
Beresneva E.V. Modern technology of teaching chemistry: Textbook - M. Centrhimpress, 2004, p. 144
Innovative processes in science and education based on integrative competence-based approach / Under the scientific editorship of prof. M.S. Pak. – Kirov 2007.
Innovative processes in the field of chemical and pedagogical education. - Orenburg: Publishing house of the OGPU, 2009.
Zagvyazinsky V.I. Learning theory: Modern interpretation: Textbook for universities. 3rd ed. M. Academy 2006, 192 p.

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