breast cancer, intraoperative radiotherapy, results, complications, relapseAbstract
Breast cancer (BC) remains an urgent problem worldwide, due to high morbidity and mortality rates. The effectiveness of breast cancer treatment depends on the stage of the tumor process. In the initial forms of breast cancer, organ-preserving methods of treatment are increasingly used. in recent years, the method of intraoperative radiotherapy (IORT) for breast cancer, which is used in the plan of combined treatment, has been actively introduced in the developed countries of the world. Direct imaging of the tumor bed during surgery ensures accurate dose delivery, which has become even more important during the primary reconstruction methods after lumpectomy, since IORT is performed before breast tissue, including parts of the tumor bed, is mobilized for plastic purposes. The article presents the results of treatment of 78 patients with early forms of breast cancer using intraoperative radiation therapy. The treatment was carried out in the Almaty Cancer Center from 2015 to 2018. Intraoperative radiotherapy was performed on the ELLIOT-LIAC device. The safety, efficiency and accuracy of the irradiation method are shown. recurrence of the tumor did not occur in any case.
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