diabetes mellitus, state register of diabetes mellitus, prevalence of complications of diabetes mellitus, automated workplace of an endocrinologistAbstract
Background: vascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) are one of the leading factors of disability and early mortality in patients with DM of working age. An in-depth study of the dynamics of the prevalence of diabetes complications in the Samara region for the period from 2010 to 2017 allows us to determine the current directions for improving and developing diabetic care for the population in the region.
The aim: to analyze the prevalence of DM complications in the Samara region for the period from 2010 to 2017, to determine the main medical and organizational factors that affect their dynamics in the region.
Materials and methods: the object of the study was a depersonalized database of the state register of diabetes mellitus in the Russian Federation and the Samara region, forms for recording complications of diabetes in the annual report on endocrine diseases, eating disorders and metabolic disorders, as well as official publications of the National medical center of Endocrinology.
Results: during the study period, there was a decrease in the frequency of acute complications associated with a high risk of mortality (diabetic com), as well as severe chronic complications leading to disability, such as diabetic foot syndrome. The analysis of differences in the prevalence of complications in the Russian Federation and the Samara region.
Conclusion: during the study period in the Samara region, a significant reduction in acute and chronic micro - and macrovascular complications of DM was achieved, and the quality of diagnosis and registration of complications at earlier stages improved. Analysis of data from the state register of diabetes mellitus in the Samara region allows us to determine priority areas for the development of the region's diabetological service. To update the primary medical data of patients entered in the state register of diabetes mellitus, it is proposed to use digital applications, automated endocrinologist workstations.
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