
  • S. Starostina Moscow State Regional University



differentiated learning, individual learning, external differentiation, internal differentiation.


It is known that modern life requires more knowledge, and also complicates the content of the material that students master at school. Teaching traditionally, teachers note the difficulties with the development of the program material by the majority of students. This is due to the differences between students in the class in terms of potential, work rate, development, or differences in these indicators. The learning process is built by teachers, and the average student is chosen as a reference point, but the lagging or capable student does not receive enough attention. In this situation, students with high potential are not given a sufficient load, while for lagging students, learning is difficult. Therefore, the purpose of the study: to identify the pedagogical conditions of differentiation of students learning in the process of teaching mathematics in secondary school.

Author Biography

S. Starostina , Moscow State Regional University

Post-graduate student methods of teaching mathematics


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