criminal proceedings, professional group, professional interaction, psychological support, optimization.Abstract
The article deals with the applied aspects of the actual and insufficiently developed problem of optimizing the professional interaction of participants in criminal proceedings, the solution of which is to develop a technology of psychological support of professional interaction in order to increase the effectiveness of joint activities of members of various professional groups involved in the investigation of crimes. Professional interaction of participants in criminal proceedings is understood by the authors as a complex psychological structure that includes ambivalent values and philosophical and functional aspects of professional inter-group relations, inter-group conflict, inter-group adaptation of members of professional groups with their own professional skills and manifested by psychological mechanisms of inter-group interaction. Based on the identified problem areas during the psychological analysis of the experience of police officers, a program of targeted psychological support and optimization of professional interaction of participants in criminal proceedings in real conditions was justified and developed, taking into account the available resources and modern approaches in the field of psychology.
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