addictive disorders, mental disorders, psycho-emotional disorders, autonomic and somatic symptoms, questionnaires, studentsAbstract
Studying at a medical university requires the mobilization of students, which cannot but affect their mental and behavioral status. The problem of addictive disorders has always existed and every year the scale becomes even larger and more tangible. Medical students are no exception from the mass of people prone to addiction and an obsessive need for certain substances and actions. Excessive workload, insufficient sleep, aggravation of existing diseases, unhealthy diet, a large amount of stress, decreased motivation, routine and monotony lead to serious changes in the students' body and affect the quality of their life and learning, what increases the risk of not only somatic, but also mental disorders, such as addictive and psycho-emotional. The emergence of addictive disorders in students leads to physiological and mental abnormalities. This study was carried out in order to identify students with existing pathology and to trace these phenomena in dynamics. The study was carried out using specialized questionnaires with a number of questions covering the mental and behavioral status of students in various courses of study. The article presents the processed and analyzed research data. A comparative assessment of the states of students in different periods of university education is made. An unfavorable situation in the educational institution in the field of addictive and psycho-emotional disorders was established. Noticeable change in student behavior and lifestyle. The results can be applied in practice to optimize psycho-preventive measures and learning processes at various stages.
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