development of technical skills, development of skills, older preschool children, application, productive activity of preschoolers, creativity of children, visual activity.Abstract
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that at present the education system is focused on the development of a person's personality. It is at the preschool age that the foundations of the artistic and aesthetic development of the child are founded, creative consciousness is formed. Therefore, the use of productive forms of activity in the organization of education and leisure of preschoolers is very important, one of which is application. This article analyzes the theoretical and practical experience of using the application in preschool education. The author examines the methods, means and techniques that ensure the development of technical skills and abilities of older preschool children in the process of application. Particular attention is paid to the development of aesthetic perception through interaction with objects of art and the surrounding reality. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author substantiated the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of application activities by preschoolers, for the formation of technical skills and abilities in children during the application process, taking into account their age and individual characteristics, and shows the specificity of performing application work in different age groups of preschoolers. The article offers recommendations for the development of technical skills of older preschool children in the process of application, which can subsequently be used in their pedagogical activities by preschool educators and parents.
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