Recharge, water-calcium, water-quartz, rheotechnology, reaction-powder cement, rheologically active, highly filled mixture.Abstract
To ensure the gravitational flow of the system, a method of non-mechanical disaggregation of mineral particles was used in order to obtain high-strength concretes with a reaction-powder bond and with minimal W / T and W / C ratios. The technology of plasticizing highly filled quartz-water suspensions consists in recharging the quartz surface and includes the following operations: dispersing the mixture into fractions (0.163 mm; 0.315 mm), adding a plasticizer, mixing and shaping the mixture. Evaluation of rheotechnological properties of water-calcium, water-quartz and water-calcium-quartz suspensions, characterized by the spread of the mixture from 64.5 mm to 29.5 mm.
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