municipal property, efficiency improvement, efficiency assessment, structured system of indicators, municipal-private partnership.Abstract
The analysis of the property belonging to the municipal property of the city of Saratov is carried out. In the course of the work, there is a lack of a methodology for evaluating the effectiveness of the Ministry of Defense of the City of Saratov. The assessment of the efficiency of municipal property management of the City of Saratov is calculated using the existing system of evaluating the effectiveness of the City of Arkhangelsk, covering the entire spectrum of municipal property objects. Based on the results of calculations, an indicator that does not correspond to the normative value is identified, and ways to eliminate this problem are proposed. It is proved that the City of Saratov needs to develop its own assessment methodology to improve the activities of municipal authorities in the field of property management, and it is proposed to take some of the indicators from the methodology of the City of Arkhangelsk, since they clearly reflect the economic state of the city. Another method of increasing efficiency is the Concession Agreement, because it is a promising way to eliminate problems and perform tasks.
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