
  • S. Nizovkina Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University



space, public space, urban environment, furniture, table.


The article is devoted to the concept of public space and its functionality during the study of coffee shops in Novosibirsk. The necessity for public space per person is an urgent topic, since every person somehow finds himself inside this space and assumes a special role in society. Semiotic, theoretical and empirical research methods were used in the study of the topic. Important aspects in the formation of modern urban public spaces are their functionality and complexity, which determines the components of this environment. Public spaces fulfill the task of broadcasting urban culture from generation to generation and have the ability to adapt to the rapidly changing needs of residents. An analysis of the gender, age and psychological characteristics of coffee shop visitors makes it possible to understand the reasons for visiting coffee shops, as well as the relevance of this public space in general. The article analyzes the role of tables in the social practices of society and the age composition of visitors to the cafe of the city. As a result of the study, it was found that furniture inside public spaces affects not only the aesthetic component, but also the change in social relationships between people.

Author Biography

S. Nizovkina, Institute of History, Humanities and Social Education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

5th year student, direction "Pedagogical education with two training profiles", 

profiles "Cultural Studies and Foreign (Chinese/Japanese)"


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