
  • A. Kichibekova Dagestan State University


borrowing, Arabism, French youth language, argotism, Maghreb Arabic, sociolinguistic survey.


The article analyzes the language situation that takes place in the speech of young people from the ghettoized suburbs of French megacities, first of all, its enrichment due to borrowings from the Maghreb dialect of the Arabic language. The periodization of borrowings from the Arabic language and their role as one of the main wordformation methods are considered. 

An analysis of the results of a sociolinguistic survey, in which francophone students from the Maghreb countries, studying at the Saratov State Medical University, took part, is presented. The purpose of the experiment was to identify youth argotisms-Arabisms used in French by students who are ethnic Arab bilinguals. The results of the experiment are of particular interest, since expand the boundaries of the study of the actual empirical material previously collected by us from social networks.


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