culture, space, science, technology, subculture, production, civilization, art, philosophy of culture, resources.Abstract
The article examines the structure of the cultural space from the point of view of scholars such as: P. Florensky, A. Y. Flier, U. Zelinsky. The diversity, many-sidedness of the products of human activity, which create different types of cultural space, is noted. Also, the types of human are highlighted, the activity approach to the problem of structured culture is characterized. Culturologists have proposed various options for considering the structuredness of the cultural space. For example, ordinary culture, mastered by a person in the process of socialization, mass culture, which, in turn, was subdivided into subcultures.. The characteristics of each type of classification are stated.
Given in the study of the philosophy of culture - consideration of the cultural space by dividing it into material and spiritual culture. It also talks about the essence of man, which includes natural and material properties and qualities. The conditionality of material culture by a variety of forms of matter, energy and information used by a person is considered.
The inclusion of various means of material production in the composition of material culture is noted: energy and raw materials of inorganic or organic origin, geological, hydrological technologies of material production. It also presents material about spiritual culture, material production activities as the leading area of social life. The subdivision of the space itself into political, artistic, informational, and the space of leisure activities is given. The further development of this problem is put forward as a special and important task of orienting oneself in space in the modern technogenic world and foreseeing the ways of the gradual development of the cultural space.
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