propeller agitator, jet agitator, receiving tank, primary oil refining unit, oil preparation, compounding, increase in product yield.Abstract
In the oil and gas industry, bottom sediments are deposited in reservoirs, which reduce the efficiency of oil refining.
The optimal yield of light oil products during primary oil refining was considered. To achieve high energy efficiency, it is necessary to compound the oil in the tank using agitators.
The available propeller agitators are considered, and their shortcomings are revealed. The disadvantages include: high repair costs, the presence of an electric motor that increases the fire hazard of production, the occurrence of axial loads as a result of rotation and clogging of impurities in the propeller blades. A jet mixer can compensate for the disadvantages of propeller agitators.
The simulation was performed using the ANSYS CFX software package. Models have been developed for: cyclic mixing; mixing with a propeller agitator; mixing with a jet agitator.
A strength calculation was performed with the ANSYS-Static Structural module with imported data from ANSYS CFX for the propeller and jet agitator.
It is revealed that the jet mixer, with its simple design and operation in comparison with other compounding methods, allows to achieve better mixing and lower loads on the tank.
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